Welcome! This is a way for me to share about my experiences as they relate to myself, family, health, compassionate cooking, baking and yoga. Enjoy!

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Visiting my sister, her family and my Dad.  My sister has two boys, so the three girls in combination with the two boys, makes for a loud and busy visit.  They certainly have fun, it seems at times that it's 24/7, but they do eventually sleep.  The first night my middle one and her two boys thought they would all sleep in the same room.  At 11pm we finally had to separate them so they would actually fall asleep.  You would think that going to bed late would cause them to sleep in but nooooooo, up nice and early.  Tonight we tie-died shirts, they all did a great job and we had no casualties :)  My sister and her family tried one of my favorite vegan recipes and they liked it.  It was quinoa, black beans and tomatoes.  Recipe and picture added to the left, picture is from my phone so I'm not sure how well it will come out.  Sides were salad and fresh green beans.  So good, can you tell I love food!!  We will all be meditating as a big family tonight, I'll keep you all updated as to how that goes.  I have faith it will go wonderfully.

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