Well, with New Year's approaching, I thought it would be appropriate to give some quick and simple clean recipes. Instead of the the usual resolutions to lose weight and start some diet that leaves you feeling less than satisfied, try a basic resolution of eating clean for 7 - 21 days. Starting with one week gives you a good start and allows you to have an attainable goal. If after the first week, you decide you want to continue then go right ahead, if not, you have still done your body an enormous favor of flushing out the garbage that tends to build up.
A few things first...
First thing to do is invest in a good juicer. Costco, Target and Walmart all carry good brands that will get the job done of juicing greens, fruits and other veggies. They range anywhere from $80 and up. Trust me, it is worth buying. Store bought juices are full of sugars and un-needed other items. By juicing, you are breaking done the walls of the food and you are left with the pure nutrients that then you consume and they immediately enter your cells. Another bonus is that your body is not expending the energy to break done the cell walls of the foods in order to get the nutrients it contains. Don't get me wrong, fiber in your day is necessary to help gather all the unused garbage left in your system, but you also need the juicing to help flush everything out and to get all those wonderful vitamins and minerals that are readily accessible to your body through the juice.
The other item you may want to invest in is a dehydrator. There are some pretty pricey ones out there, but the one I use was about $60, it has multiple trays and came with a couple mesh layers to make your own fruit strips and it works just fine. Before going on vacation I cut up a bunch of apples, bananas, mango's, etc and dehydrate them, throw them in a bag and we have instant fruit to take with us in case we can't get to the fresh produce right away. There are also many recipes on the internet to make veggie burgers, cookies, granola, etc all in the dehydrator. Dehydrating is healthier than roasting, baking, broiling or grilling because it remains at such a low temperature that the food maintains a greater amount of it's nutrients. With that said, since you are dehydrating it, you will need to drink a little more water when consuming dehydrated foods.
Another item you may want to purchase is a steamer. Steaming veggies is far more healthy then baking, grilling or frying. Steamed foods also taste so much better. My kids love steamed broccoli with a little salt on top, that's it, nothing else. You can also steam foods in a regular pot with about 1/4 cup of water in the bottom, once it starts to boil, you reduce to simmer and cover with a lid.
Last item you will need is a blender (it can be a glass blender, Vitamix or Ninja). Vitamix is wonderful, but very pricey. I used a glass blender for a long time which worked just fine, but I did finally get a Ninja.
Ok, let's get started with some recipes.
It's best to juice first thing in the morning and wait at least a 1/2 hour after consuming fruit juices before eating anything else. This is when I usually go get dressed or do a few chores. Believe me, a big glass of juice will fill you up, you may not even feel like eating after the 1/2 hour is up.
Green Goodness recipes
Apple version
Large bunch of organic kale (washed and stemmed) or organic spinach
2 organic apples (cored and cut to fit your juicer, usually in half or quarters)
Begin by placing some of the apples through the juicer, then add the greens. I always save some apples for last to help push through all the greens. After everything is juiced, add a few pieces of ice to your glass. Don't let the green color scare you, it is delicious. You may want to experiment with how much greens you use until you get used to it. When I first started, I would use a small bunch and now I use a lot because I enjoy tasting more of the greens.
Pineapple version
One head of organic romaine lettuce (washed and stem end cut off)
1/4 to 1/2 of a whole pineapple (many stores will cut a fresh pineapple for you, just ask)
Begin by sending some pineapple through, then all the lettuce, then send remaining pineapple through to get all the lettuce juice pushed out. Again, you may want to add some ice to your glass.
Sunrise recipes
Carrot version
2 - 3 large organic carrots (washed and peeled)
2 navel oranges (peeled and pulled in half)
Place some of the oranges through, then all the carrots and then the remaining oranges to help all the carrot juice to come out. Add some ice to your glass, you won't believe how good it tastes!
Beet version
1 large or 2 small beets (washed and cut to fit through)
2 - 3 navel oranges (peeled and pulled in half)
Place some of the oranges through, then all of the beets and then the remaining oranges. Add ice to your glass. It is a wonderful crimson color.
You can experiment with all kind of fruits and veggies to create your own juices too! Let me know what you come up with if you do.
Get your blenders ready, it's smoothie time...
Banana "Milkshake"
8 oz. regular almond milk
1 Tbsp. almond butter
1 tsp. pure maple syrup
1/2 - 3/4 of a frozen banana (previously peeled before freezing)
5 ice cubes
Place first four ingredients into blender, process until smooth, add ice and process so there are no large chunks of ice left. You will not believe how much it tastes just like a milkshake!
Strawberry Dream
8 oz. regular almond milk (you can use soy, coconut or rice milk as well)
1 cup frozen organic strawberries
Place all ingredients into blender, process until smooth. For strawberry/banana, decrease strawberries to 3/4 cup and add 1/2 frozen banana to ingredient list.
Tropical Heaven
8 oz. pure orange juice (check ingredients list to be sure it states only oranges, nothing else)
1/2 cup frozen mango pieces
1/4 cup frozen papaya pieces
6 oz. non-dairy vanilla yogurt (soy or coconut works best)
Place all ingredients into blender in order listed. Process until smooth.
For the dehydrator, you can basically choose any fruits and veggies. Simply wash and dry them and then cut to your preference. Follow the dehydrator instructions on time. Seal in a container to store. There are some great recipes for veggies, cookies, cakes, granola, and they are all in the dehydrator. Try various sites for recipes. Sparkrecipes.com has some good raw and dehydrator recipes. Once on the sparkrecipes page, type dehydrator in their keyword search, it will pull up a few, but to the right it will list more recipes from various chefs (kravmagagirl is a good one), just click that person and it will pull more up.
Steaming brown rice, veggies and quinoa is another great way to experiment with various combinations for endless meals.
Enjoy eating fresh, you will be pleasantly surprised.
Welcome! This is a way for me to share about my experiences as they relate to myself, family, health, compassionate cooking, baking and yoga. Enjoy!
Friday, December 30, 2011
Friday, December 23, 2011
Staying Conscious
With so much activity this time of year it is easy to get caught up in all the hustle and bustle. I agree that the holiday's are fun, but I also do my best to make sure I stay conscious of what the holiday's really mean. So often, we get overwhelmed with buying things and figuring out menu plans for all the family, that we lose sight of the simple message associated with this time. Whatever belief system you follow, the basic message is the same throughout. Treat everyone with love, kindness and compassion. We also should make an effort to give of ourselves, not just monetarily or by buying gifts. Give your time to others who could really use the comfort in knowing that you will listen to them and take the time to be with them. This is an incredible gift in and of itself and you will feel the positive affect it has on you as well.
Don't get me wrong, everyone should absolutely enjoy all the fun and festivities of the holidays, but just stay conscious of why they even exist :)
Wishing everyone happy and safe holidays!!
Don't get me wrong, everyone should absolutely enjoy all the fun and festivities of the holidays, but just stay conscious of why they even exist :)
Wishing everyone happy and safe holidays!!
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Holiday Candy
What is not to love about the holidays?! To make them even sweeter, here are some fun and delicious recipes that make great gifts, and that came from your loving hands. If you have children, including them in making these homemade goodies makes it even better.
Healthier Buckeyes (peanut butter balls)
Chocolate covered pretzels
1-2 C dairy free choc chips
GF bag of pretzels
Melt chocolate over medium heat, whisking continuously. Remove from stove. Tip pan, roll pretzels 1/2 - 3/4 down all the way around. Place on parchment paper, sprinkle with decorations. Allow chocolate to set.
Healthier Buckeyes (peanut butter balls)
For Filling =
For Filling =
4 tsp. melted coconut oil (unrefined)
1 cup natural/organic creamy sunbutter (or nut/seed butter of choice)
2 Tbsp. pure maple syrup
2 tsp. pure vanilla extract
3/4 cup walnut meal (or nut/seed meal of choice)
1/4 cup raw shelled hemp seeds (or 2 Tbsp. hemp seeds, 2 Tbsp. coconut pulp)
1/2 tsp. ground cardamom
1/2 tsp. ground ginger
1/2 tsp. ground allspice
4 tsp. maca powder.
For Coating =
1 bag Enjoy Life semisweet chocolate chips
1 tsp. unrefined coconut oil
1. Prepare cookie sheet with parchment paper, set aside.
2. Mix all ingredients for filling in food processor until sticky dough forms, should be pretty smooth.
3. Using a small scoop or Tablespoon measure, scoop out mix, roll into a ball, place on prepared sheet, continue until all dough is used (should make approx. 2 dz.).
4. Place in freezer to firm while you prepare chocolate coating (should be in freezer at least 30 minutes).
5. In a small sauce pan or double broiler, mix chocolate and oil, warm over low heat, stirring continuously to avoid burning. Once melted, turn off heat, but leave on burner.
6. Remove sheet from freezer, using spoons, and working fairly quickly, dip prepared dough into chocolate mix, coat well, place back on sheet, continue until all dough is covered.
7. Place back in fridge or freezer to set. (I place mine in the freezer, once firm, I place them in airtight storage container in the fridge).
1. Prepare cookie sheet with parchment paper, set aside.
2. Mix all ingredients for filling in food processor until sticky dough forms, should be pretty smooth.
3. Using a small scoop or Tablespoon measure, scoop out mix, roll into a ball, place on prepared sheet, continue until all dough is used (should make approx. 2 dz.).
4. Place in freezer to firm while you prepare chocolate coating (should be in freezer at least 30 minutes).
5. In a small sauce pan or double broiler, mix chocolate and oil, warm over low heat, stirring continuously to avoid burning. Once melted, turn off heat, but leave on burner.
6. Remove sheet from freezer, using spoons, and working fairly quickly, dip prepared dough into chocolate mix, coat well, place back on sheet, continue until all dough is covered.
7. Place back in fridge or freezer to set. (I place mine in the freezer, once firm, I place them in airtight storage container in the fridge).
*These should stay cold as they will get soft quickly (but they'll still taste good even if doughy
:) ).

Perfect treat to keep your energy levels balanced thanks to all these healthy ingredients (albeit the semisweet chocolate chips
;) ). Feel free to make a raw chocolate coating to really up the healthy version! I hope you enjoy.

Chocolate covered pretzels
1-2 C dairy free choc chips
GF bag of pretzels
Melt chocolate over medium heat, whisking continuously. Remove from stove. Tip pan, roll pretzels 1/2 - 3/4 down all the way around. Place on parchment paper, sprinkle with decorations. Allow chocolate to set.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Peppermint Bark Recipe
Just in time for the holidays. The next few weeks will feature recipes for the holiday (of course you don't need a special occasion to make any of these :) This weeks recipe comes courtesy of VegNews magazine. It is super easy and fast to whip up a batch and it makes great presents for neighbors, teachers, friends or family. The best part is they are vegan, gluten free and allergy free so it pretty much is an all around great recipe for anyone in your life!
12 candy canes (crushed)
4 cups Enjoy Life semi-sweet chocolate chips
1/4 teaspoon peppermint extract (I prefer organic)
Line a 9 x 13 baking sheet with parchment paper, set aside. In a plastic bag place candy canes and crush with rolling pin into 1/4 inch pieces.
In double boiler over med. heat melt chocolate (you can melt in a small pot if you do not have a double boiler, just watch it closely and stir continuously). Remove from heat and add extract and 1/2 cup crushed candy. On prepared baking sheet, pour mixture and spread out as evenly as possible.
Sprinkle remaining candy on top, gently press in any larger pieces. Place in refrigerator for an hour or until firm. Remove bark from sheet and break into pieces. Can be stored in the fridge in a sealed container. Makes approx. 25 pieces.
See, wasn't that easy!
12 candy canes (crushed)
4 cups Enjoy Life semi-sweet chocolate chips
1/4 teaspoon peppermint extract (I prefer organic)
Line a 9 x 13 baking sheet with parchment paper, set aside. In a plastic bag place candy canes and crush with rolling pin into 1/4 inch pieces.
In double boiler over med. heat melt chocolate (you can melt in a small pot if you do not have a double boiler, just watch it closely and stir continuously). Remove from heat and add extract and 1/2 cup crushed candy. On prepared baking sheet, pour mixture and spread out as evenly as possible.
Sprinkle remaining candy on top, gently press in any larger pieces. Place in refrigerator for an hour or until firm. Remove bark from sheet and break into pieces. Can be stored in the fridge in a sealed container. Makes approx. 25 pieces.
See, wasn't that easy!
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Chocolate Gluten Freedom Cupcakes
Since family members of mine have Celiac Disease (gluten allergies) I enjoy making gluten free items. It is actually good for anyone, even those that do not have the disease, to give their bodies a rest now and then from having to break done all the wheat products, especially the refined flours. These are cupcakes that I made for my dad and nephews, they were a big hit. Although not as moist as traditional cupcakes, these did not have the gritty texture that gluten free products can sometime have. These were exceptionally delicious! The recipe came from one of my favorite cookbooks, Vegan Cupcakes Take Over The World.
1 c. organic soy milk (I like to use coconut when baking)
1/3 c. coconut oil
3/4 c. coconut sugar
2 tsp. vanilla extract (can use 2 1/4 tsp instead of also using the almond)
1/4 tsp. almond extract
1/4 c. tapioca flour
2 Tbs. ground flax seed
1/3 c. unsweetened cocoa powder
1 c. Bob's Redmill All Purpose GF flour
1 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. salt
Preheat oven to 350, line muffin tray with cupcake liners.
In a large bowl combine first five ingredients. Mix just to combine. Add tapioca flour and flax seed and mix vigorously for 1 minute, until tapioca flour is dissolved and mixture is well emulsified. Add remaining ingredients. Mix on medium-high for about 2 minutes. Mix really well, you don't have to worry about over mixing.
Fill liners a little over 3/4 full, these won't rise as much as traditional cupcakes.
Bake for 20-23 minutes, until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Transfer to cooling rack and let cool completely.
For frosting I used the Vegan Fluffy Buttercream Frosting recipe (can be found by using the search box from the home page).
1 c. organic soy milk (I like to use coconut when baking)
1/3 c. coconut oil
3/4 c. coconut sugar
2 tsp. vanilla extract (can use 2 1/4 tsp instead of also using the almond)
1/4 tsp. almond extract
1/4 c. tapioca flour
2 Tbs. ground flax seed
1/3 c. unsweetened cocoa powder
1 c. Bob's Redmill All Purpose GF flour
1 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. salt
Preheat oven to 350, line muffin tray with cupcake liners.
In a large bowl combine first five ingredients. Mix just to combine. Add tapioca flour and flax seed and mix vigorously for 1 minute, until tapioca flour is dissolved and mixture is well emulsified. Add remaining ingredients. Mix on medium-high for about 2 minutes. Mix really well, you don't have to worry about over mixing.
Fill liners a little over 3/4 full, these won't rise as much as traditional cupcakes.
Bake for 20-23 minutes, until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Transfer to cooling rack and let cool completely.
For frosting I used the Vegan Fluffy Buttercream Frosting recipe (can be found by using the search box from the home page).
Friday, October 21, 2011
Being present
So often I find myself going through the motions. Like packing lunches, doing dishes, answering someones questions and, all the while, I am somewhere else. I have been consciously trying to recognize when I am doing it. When I do realize that I am not really present in what I am doing, I pause and make sure to stop any other activity or thought and be in the actual moment. I notice that when I do this while speaking to someone and, truly look into their eyes, I feel different. It's a good feeling, especially when you are speaking with someone special (like your child or spouse). The feeling is hard to put into words, but somehow I feel more connected at that moment. I don't dwell on it after the interaction or conversation has ended, but I do carry a lighter, maybe happier aura. I'm so glad that I have started using this technique to become more present in whatever I am doing. Even something as simple as eating. Again, so many times I don't even think I tasted the food or beverage I consumed because I was somewhere else mentally or because I was doing other things while eating or drinking. I am serious when I say, if you are present while you are eating or drinking something, it actually tastes different. You will taste flavors in foods or beverages that you never did before, even if it is something you have had a hundred times. The next time you are eating something, don't do anything else. Just be thankful for the food and, while you are chewing or drinking, think about the process and people involved that brought the food to your table. I guarantee you will taste flavors that you never realized previously. Another rewarding exercise to try is to completely be in the moment of a conversation. Don't just look at them to be polite, truly look into their eyes. Don't think about anything else, just be there, in that conversation. You will understand what I mean when I say you feel differently when you are actually present.
Friday, October 7, 2011
I know most people take pride in the home that puts a roof over their heads, but how many of us appreciate our much larger home? Can you imagine the wonderful results if we all took a little more responsibility and pride in our planet? So many people think, "why should I care, there's plenty of resources" or that they will be long gone before anything runs out. Pretending there is no issue or just not caring because it won't affect you is a cop-out and taking the easy road. Although I may not be here to see the damaging affects of overusing our planets resources and pouring thousands of chemicals into the oceans, ground and air, my children, grandchildren, etc. will feel the affects. Why shouldn't future generations be able to enjoy this amazing planet we live on. Putting a little more effort into small changes add up in big ways. Imagine if every person became more conscious of how much they let the water run, how often the lights or tv are left on while in another area of the house, how many pieces of paper towels are gone through unnecessarily, how many baggies are thrown out every week. Making small changes such as turning the water off while brushing your teeth, turning lights and the tv off when leaving the room (even if it's only for a short time), using hand towels or reusable clothes to wipe off counters (they are washable if worried about bacteria), or using reusable sandwich and snack bags or containers. All of these things add up especially the more people who begin to do it. To become more aware of the very real damage happening to our planet and what you can do to help, check out www.timeforchange.org.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Press Pause
Our lives are so busy and overflowing. There are times when we are so consumed by what we are doing or need to do, that we could be looking right at someone but don't actually see them. I have done this myself, then something clicks and I realize they are waving at me and looking as if to say, "what is your problem, why won't you acknowledge me." Understandably, life seems to be on fast forward, wouldn't it be nice if we could just press the pause button? The next time you catch yourself moving on auto-pilot, consciously bring yourself back to the present. Take a few minutes to do some full inhales and exhales. Then prioritize what needs done and try to accomplish those tasks in the most efficient manner without stressing over every detail. Little things like, the kids left some toys out or feeling you don't have time to read a book with your child because the dishwasher needs emptied, probably don't really have to be done right then. If all those tasks don't get done that day, pause to ask yourself, "will I be okay if it doesn't all get done right now?" I guarantee that most of the time, the answer will be "yes, I will be okay, life will go on."
Friday, September 23, 2011
Panda Cupcakes
It was my oldest child's birthday the other day and this year she wanted panda cupcakes (last year was polar bear). The panda cupcakes were much easier than the polar bear ones. For the cupcake, I modified the Golden Vanilla Cupcake recipe from Vegan Cupcakes Take Over The World. I made one batch of regular size cupcakes for the body and one batch of mini cupcakes for the head. I used coconut milk instead of soy and added 1 cup of broken up Golden Oreos. For the icing, I used the Vegan Fluffy Buttermilk Frosting from the same cookbook. For the ears, I used chocolate o's cereral from Cascadian Farms and dipped them in melted vegan chocolate. I also used the melted chocolate for the background of the eyes and mouth. Mini chocolate chips were used for the eyes and nose. It was fun and she (and her sisters) enjoyed them.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Taking Action
Finding something you firmly believe in and then putting energy towards that cause or belief is so rewarding. It's easy to say we believe in this or that or follow this religion or custom, but to actually go beyond words and put that into positive action is the key. Everyone is busy and I could find a million reasons not to have any time to put towards a goal that I feel is important, but then what positive changes and actions have I done with my life? Life isn't just about what can I do for me or what will I get from doing this. People are always looking for those material paybacks. In reality, you really are getting something from any positive action you create. It's like a gift you feel inside, indescribable until you experience that selfless giving.
Friday, September 9, 2011
Vegan Oreo Cake
This cake is soooooo good. I took the recipe from Vegan Cupcakes Take Over The World. I used the Your Basic Chocolate Cupcake recipe (page 37), used the cookies and cream variation and then put it in a 8X8 pan. Cooking time will be different since it's a cake. I did 25 minutes and then checked it with a toothpick. The icing is from the Vegan Fluffy Buttercream Frosting recipe (page 142), again, with the cookies and cream variation. I finished it by cutting Oreo's in half and placing them around the cake. Words cannot even describe how good this cake is.
Friday, September 2, 2011
True Gratitude
How often do we feel true gratitude? Saying thank you to people is courteous, but I am talking about feeling the gratitude. Being grateful and feeling blessed goes much deeper than speaking words to others. We can also look outside of ourselves to find appreciation in everything around us and for everyone that touches our lives. By this I mean look up at the sky, at the moon, at the stars, at the birds and trees, I think you get what I'm saying. Try doing this at least once a day (preferably not while driving:) and you will realize how much you have taken everything and everyone around you for granted. You will begin to realize how amazing it all is. Start saying "thank you" out loud, but to no one in general, for all that you have been blessed with. In doing this, you will begin to see what feeling the gratitude means rather than just being courteous. Make a list (mental or written) of what you are grateful for and go through your personal thank you's everyday. I say my thank you's daily for each of my children, for my husband, for this life, for each of my animals, for the universe, etc. Your list can be one thing or 50 things, it's up to you to determine what you are truly grateful for. There are no rules to follow, nothing is set in stone and your list may change daily. The important thing to remember is to start feeling grateful rather than just offering a reflex word.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Are people truly happy anymore? I think we all get so caught up in wanting things and that want seems to justify how happy we think we will be once we've attained it. In reality, once we have attained our "want" we are no longer happy and want more or something else. It's a vicious cycle of trying to find happiness in material objects or people. To be truly happy, we just need to look inside ourselves and find the positive attributes that make us who we are. If we find there are some negative attributes that we're not so proud of, then make the changes necessary to create as positive a self image as possible. Nobody is perfect but you can be the judge of what makes you feel at peace about who you are. Material objects or specific people cannot make you truly happy. You can find joy in things and people and have love for people, but they are not what will make lasting happiness. It is up to each one of us to be able to find our inner happiness and this is what will sustain you even when times seem bleak.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Making a difference
You never really know how far your positive actions actually go. For example, something as simple as smiling at someone could have a lasting affect and change their day if, prior to your smile, they were in a bad mood. They, in turn, may be more pleasant to those around them rather than scowling. Even if you smile at someone and they don't smile back there's no need to take it personally and, again, you never know what impact your smile may have had. They may think about how they responded and be kinder to the next person they encounter.
All too often we get caught up in just doing things because of routine or because we want recognition or something in return. Making a difference in life doesn't always have to have a "reward" per say. Doing something nice for others is a reward in itself for how it makes you feel. Making sure everyone knows about your good deeds just minimizes the good in them. Taking positive actions doesn't even have to involve much. You can always donate money, which is generous, but doesn't truly connect you to others. There are so many other ways to serve others, the planet and animals that are of great benefit. Donating your time by getting involved in cleaning up our planet, volunteering at animal sanctuaries or food kitchens are enormous steps in creating positive energy. There are countless ways to give of yourself, just think of all that you have to offer, you may be surprised. Even just one day a month of donating your time to something or someone will have enormous lasting affects.
All too often we get caught up in just doing things because of routine or because we want recognition or something in return. Making a difference in life doesn't always have to have a "reward" per say. Doing something nice for others is a reward in itself for how it makes you feel. Making sure everyone knows about your good deeds just minimizes the good in them. Taking positive actions doesn't even have to involve much. You can always donate money, which is generous, but doesn't truly connect you to others. There are so many other ways to serve others, the planet and animals that are of great benefit. Donating your time by getting involved in cleaning up our planet, volunteering at animal sanctuaries or food kitchens are enormous steps in creating positive energy. There are countless ways to give of yourself, just think of all that you have to offer, you may be surprised. Even just one day a month of donating your time to something or someone will have enormous lasting affects.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Where are you?
Are you here right now? Being present in every moment is not an easy task to accomplish. It is actually extremely difficult for most people. We are all so caught up in "what do I need to do today, tomorrow, the rest of the week?" Although there is nothing wrong with planning, having a weekly or monthly planner is a great tool, the constant obsessing about "the next move" all the time is not a healthy way to live. Even our children are losing their childhood moments to the what's next phenomena.
Slowing down to enjoy the here and now helps in so many ways. I notice when I am not present, I begin to feel rushed and that feeling carries over to everyone around me. The key now though, is that I can become aware of that rushed feeling, I mentally and physically slow myself down. When I do this, I instantly feel calmer and then I recite a little mantra (or saying) to help the calming process sink in. The mantra I like to use when things start to feel overwhelming is, "there is always enough time." Another technique that I find helpful is to just take a few calming breaths and ask myself "if I don't get XYZ done at this moment, is it really the end of the world?"
Putting things into perspective is a key element to begin being present and enjoying the moments as they occur. Yes, there will be things that need to be dealt with in a timely manner, and you can prioritize those things. The main goal is stop thinking that everything is urgent. Emptying the dishwasher does not need to be done at a specific moment, especially if that moment could be reading a book to your child or taking a few moments for yourself.
Try the following exercise for starters. The next time you find yourself stuck in traffic, instead of the blood pressure rising and thinking "great, I'm going to be late getting to ..." , put in some calming music or audio or just turn the radio off altogether. You are in the traffic, there is no avoiding it, look at this current moment as the universe telling you to slow down. Enjoy the extra time you have been blessed with.
Slowing down to enjoy the here and now helps in so many ways. I notice when I am not present, I begin to feel rushed and that feeling carries over to everyone around me. The key now though, is that I can become aware of that rushed feeling, I mentally and physically slow myself down. When I do this, I instantly feel calmer and then I recite a little mantra (or saying) to help the calming process sink in. The mantra I like to use when things start to feel overwhelming is, "there is always enough time." Another technique that I find helpful is to just take a few calming breaths and ask myself "if I don't get XYZ done at this moment, is it really the end of the world?"
Putting things into perspective is a key element to begin being present and enjoying the moments as they occur. Yes, there will be things that need to be dealt with in a timely manner, and you can prioritize those things. The main goal is stop thinking that everything is urgent. Emptying the dishwasher does not need to be done at a specific moment, especially if that moment could be reading a book to your child or taking a few moments for yourself.
Try the following exercise for starters. The next time you find yourself stuck in traffic, instead of the blood pressure rising and thinking "great, I'm going to be late getting to ..." , put in some calming music or audio or just turn the radio off altogether. You are in the traffic, there is no avoiding it, look at this current moment as the universe telling you to slow down. Enjoy the extra time you have been blessed with.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Raw Energy Bars
I made three different batches in about 1/2 an hour, that's how easy this recipe is. The picture to the side is of my version of chocolate, apple/cinnamon and cherry.
This recipe is the easiest one I have ever come across. I found it in VegNews Magazine (August, 2011).
2 C. raw cashews
2 C. pitted dates
Place cashews into food processor and mix until well ground. Add dates and process until the mixture starts to form a large mass. Flavor the bars according to preference and process once more (see below for mix-ins).
Line an 8 x 12 baking dish with foil or parchment paper and press them down firmly so that you will have uniform thickness. Refrigerate for about 30 minutes until firm.
Cut into 12 bars and serve. If not eating right away you can store them individually in the fridge or freezer.
For custome mix-ins:
Lemon or Lime
Add 2 Tbs of lemon or lime juice and 1Tbs lemon or lime zest to the mixture after incorporating the dates and pulse a few times.
Cherry blossom
Add 1/2 C. cherries to the mixture when the dates are added.
Fancy Apple
Add 1/3 C. dried apple rings and 2 tsp. cinnamon to the mixture when the dates are added.
Chocolate Explosion
Add 2 Tbs. cocoa powder and 1/2 C. cacao nibs to the bars after incorporating the dates and pulse a few times.
A variations of chocolate that I came up with, and my kids loved, was:
Add 1 C. vegan chocolate chips with the cashews, mix and then add the dates and process.
All of these are supper easy, delicious and much healthier than store bought varieties. The best part is, you never had to turn on the oven!
This recipe is the easiest one I have ever come across. I found it in VegNews Magazine (August, 2011).
2 C. raw cashews
2 C. pitted dates
Place cashews into food processor and mix until well ground. Add dates and process until the mixture starts to form a large mass. Flavor the bars according to preference and process once more (see below for mix-ins).
Line an 8 x 12 baking dish with foil or parchment paper and press them down firmly so that you will have uniform thickness. Refrigerate for about 30 minutes until firm.
Cut into 12 bars and serve. If not eating right away you can store them individually in the fridge or freezer.
For custome mix-ins:
Lemon or Lime
Add 2 Tbs of lemon or lime juice and 1Tbs lemon or lime zest to the mixture after incorporating the dates and pulse a few times.
Cherry blossom
Add 1/2 C. cherries to the mixture when the dates are added.
Fancy Apple
Add 1/3 C. dried apple rings and 2 tsp. cinnamon to the mixture when the dates are added.
Chocolate Explosion
Add 2 Tbs. cocoa powder and 1/2 C. cacao nibs to the bars after incorporating the dates and pulse a few times.
A variations of chocolate that I came up with, and my kids loved, was:
Add 1 C. vegan chocolate chips with the cashews, mix and then add the dates and process.
All of these are supper easy, delicious and much healthier than store bought varieties. The best part is, you never had to turn on the oven!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
So I've touched on meditation and yoga, but relaxation is another tool to use to calm and center yourself. Again, I can't stress enough how good this is for children. One of my favorite aids to use it the Indigo Ocean Dreams CD for children. It has four stories that guide the children into relaxation and then has a soothing soundtrack at the end. I notice a huge difference in my children when their energy is so high and all over the place vs. how they feel and act after relaxation. Even 10 minutes of relaxation seems to do the trick. I also love how I feel after relaxation. As crazy as this seems, I actually feel rejuvenated afterwards.
You can practice relaxation just about anywhere, at home, at work or even sitting in your car (you know, when you're waiting on one of your children's practices to end :) Of course, you want to find as quiet of a space as possible, but you can drown out any distractions with calming music or guided relaxation CD's. Make sure you're comfortable, so whatever position that may be, lying flat on your back, on your side or seated. Make sure you are comfortable temperature wise also, you don't want to be in the middle of your relaxation and get sidetracked due to cold toes. Depending on my mood, I may also burn incense, but nothing to over-powering.
Relaxation is different for everyone, so find what works best for you. Some days you may do 5 minutes and others you may want to go for 30. The goal is to do what makes you feel good. Start keeping a journal of your relaxation to note how you felt before your session and how you felt after. You may be surprised at the results.
You can practice relaxation just about anywhere, at home, at work or even sitting in your car (you know, when you're waiting on one of your children's practices to end :) Of course, you want to find as quiet of a space as possible, but you can drown out any distractions with calming music or guided relaxation CD's. Make sure you're comfortable, so whatever position that may be, lying flat on your back, on your side or seated. Make sure you are comfortable temperature wise also, you don't want to be in the middle of your relaxation and get sidetracked due to cold toes. Depending on my mood, I may also burn incense, but nothing to over-powering.
Relaxation is different for everyone, so find what works best for you. Some days you may do 5 minutes and others you may want to go for 30. The goal is to do what makes you feel good. Start keeping a journal of your relaxation to note how you felt before your session and how you felt after. You may be surprised at the results.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Comfort foods
Words cannot describe how good this food is....
Mushroom/nut loaf, "cheesy" potatoes and fresh green beans.
The loaf recipe is from the Gluten-Free Vegan by Susan O'Brien. The only difference is, before I added the nuts, garlic and mushrooms to the skillet, I pureed them together to give it a more meat loaf consistency.
For the cheesy potatoes:
about 40 small white and red potatoes boiled for 15 minutes or until tender. Drain immediately and set aside.
For sauce: (this recipe is from my yoga teacher and is amazing!)
1 stick of earth balance (vegan butter)
3/4 C. raw cashews (soaked and drained)
2-3 C. hot water
1/2 C. nutritional yeast (this is not the yeast you use to bake with)
1 package Vegan Gourmet Follow Your Heart Cheddar Cheese
1/4 tsp. paprika
2tsp. sea salt
1/4 tsp. pepper
Melt butter over medium heat in saucepan. Combine water and cashews in blender. Add cashew mix to saucepan. Shred block of cheese and add it and the remaining ingredients to the saucepan. Stir constantly with whisk until cheese has melted and sauce starts to thicken.
In large baking dish, lightly spray and add boiled potatoes and cheese sauce. Cook at 350 degrees until cheese starts to bubble (about 15-20 minutes).
For beans:
Combine 3 C. of fresh beans and 1 - 1 1/2 C. water in saucepan. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to simmer for 6-10 minutes. Drain, drizzle with olive oil and sea salt.
Mushroom/nut loaf, "cheesy" potatoes and fresh green beans.
The loaf recipe is from the Gluten-Free Vegan by Susan O'Brien. The only difference is, before I added the nuts, garlic and mushrooms to the skillet, I pureed them together to give it a more meat loaf consistency.
For the cheesy potatoes:
about 40 small white and red potatoes boiled for 15 minutes or until tender. Drain immediately and set aside.
For sauce: (this recipe is from my yoga teacher and is amazing!)
1 stick of earth balance (vegan butter)
3/4 C. raw cashews (soaked and drained)
2-3 C. hot water
1/2 C. nutritional yeast (this is not the yeast you use to bake with)
1 package Vegan Gourmet Follow Your Heart Cheddar Cheese
1/4 tsp. paprika
2tsp. sea salt
1/4 tsp. pepper
Melt butter over medium heat in saucepan. Combine water and cashews in blender. Add cashew mix to saucepan. Shred block of cheese and add it and the remaining ingredients to the saucepan. Stir constantly with whisk until cheese has melted and sauce starts to thicken.
In large baking dish, lightly spray and add boiled potatoes and cheese sauce. Cook at 350 degrees until cheese starts to bubble (about 15-20 minutes).
For beans:
Combine 3 C. of fresh beans and 1 - 1 1/2 C. water in saucepan. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to simmer for 6-10 minutes. Drain, drizzle with olive oil and sea salt.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Chickpea lettuce cups
1 1/2 cups cooked chickpeas
half sweet red pepper - diced
2 Tbs. chopped onion
1-2 cloves garlic minced
1/2 cup grape tomatoes chopped
salt and pepper to taste
dressing of choice (I prefer an italian or basalmic)
washed and rinsed organic lettuce of choice (iceberg or large romaine works best)
1 1/2 cups cooked brown rice
Gently mix all ingredients together except rice and lettuce, add spoonful of rice in middle of lettuce, place ice cream scooper size on top of rice, roll up or wrap the lettuce.
half sweet red pepper - diced
2 Tbs. chopped onion
1-2 cloves garlic minced
1/2 cup grape tomatoes chopped
salt and pepper to taste
dressing of choice (I prefer an italian or basalmic)
washed and rinsed organic lettuce of choice (iceberg or large romaine works best)
1 1/2 cups cooked brown rice
Gently mix all ingredients together except rice and lettuce, add spoonful of rice in middle of lettuce, place ice cream scooper size on top of rice, roll up or wrap the lettuce.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Yoga for everyone
Yoga is such a wonderful gift to give to your child. Introducing children to yoga at a young age gives them such a head-start in life, but it's never too late to start at any age. Yoga is sometimes stereo-typed into a specific group. For some reason, people think you can only do yoga if you are flexible. This notion could not be further from the truth. Yes, there are some that are extremely flexible and can contort their bodies into amazing poses. However, there are many that are not as insanely flexible, but still practice yoga regularly. Yoga may not make everyone supper flexible, but it will make each person more flexible than they were before starting to practice. Flexibility is only one of the many reasons to practice yoga. Some of the other benefits are improved balance, coordination, strength, creates a sense of calm, encourages creativity, better health and wellness, positive energy, builds self-esteem, stress management, move at your own pace practice, body awareness, increased focus and concentration, promotes environmental awareness and encourages compassion toward others. I could on and on, but why don't you try it for yourself for a few days and you be the judge. There are many yoga poses and practices you can download for free online. You might want to try yogapeeps.com, click on vidoe's, and click on sun salutation with Lara. If you don't like this one, try a couple different ones until you find what works best for you. Just remember to always listen to your body. If something feels painful, don't do it, your body wouldn't lie to you, just move into a more beneficial pose for your body. Have fun experimenting!
Sunday, July 17, 2011
While visiting my sister and dad we all meditated as a large group. All three of my girls, my sister, her two boys and my dad. We didn't have the gong or candle that my children are used to so we made due with what we had. My youngest, who is still getting used to seeing her immediate family meditate, was a little thrown off with the changes. She missed the gong and candle, so while we all started meditating she went over to my sister and tapped her and whispered "I dreamt you had a candle and gong". Of course that made all the other children giggle, but she came back to my lap and the others quieted down. After a few more minutes, she was still looking at each of us and did her usual kisses for everyone routine. She went to every single person and kissed their cheeks. Again, this was amusing to the others, but they all composed themselves and we finished the meditation in silence. I am so proud of all of the children for staying and controlling themselves and the best part was they all seemed to go to bed very easily that night :)
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Visiting my sister, her family and my Dad. My sister has two boys, so the three girls in combination with the two boys, makes for a loud and busy visit. They certainly have fun, it seems at times that it's 24/7, but they do eventually sleep. The first night my middle one and her two boys thought they would all sleep in the same room. At 11pm we finally had to separate them so they would actually fall asleep. You would think that going to bed late would cause them to sleep in but nooooooo, up nice and early. Tonight we tie-died shirts, they all did a great job and we had no casualties :) My sister and her family tried one of my favorite vegan recipes and they liked it. It was quinoa, black beans and tomatoes. Recipe and picture added to the left, picture is from my phone so I'm not sure how well it will come out. Sides were salad and fresh green beans. So good, can you tell I love food!! We will all be meditating as a big family tonight, I'll keep you all updated as to how that goes. I have faith it will go wonderfully.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Back from vacation
We had a great time on vacation. How amazing it was to do yoga looking out at the ocean, it was very peaceful.
The ride home seemed to take forever, as it always does. I think I frightened my oldest's friend that came with us because I was meditating during the ride home and my daughter said her friend was looking at me strangely.
Vacation is always fun, but it is so nice to come home and sleep in your own bed (and of course I missed our dog like crazy).
Celebrating being home, we had Black Bean-Quinoa burgers from the July/August Vegetarian Times, vegan baked beans, vegan coleslaw and for dessert... "Veganized" Very Berry Shortcakes from the July/August Vegetarian Times (see picture to the left). Yummy
Meditated tonight with all the kids, my mom and the dog. My youngest was full of talking and finally said she was going away and left the room. That lasted all of 30 seconds and she was back again, much quieter, and sat on my lap for the remainder of the meditation. The girls love the sound of the gong, there is just something so soothing about the sound it makes. Maybe tomorrow we will be able to get my husband to join :)
The ride home seemed to take forever, as it always does. I think I frightened my oldest's friend that came with us because I was meditating during the ride home and my daughter said her friend was looking at me strangely.
Vacation is always fun, but it is so nice to come home and sleep in your own bed (and of course I missed our dog like crazy).
Celebrating being home, we had Black Bean-Quinoa burgers from the July/August Vegetarian Times, vegan baked beans, vegan coleslaw and for dessert... "Veganized" Very Berry Shortcakes from the July/August Vegetarian Times (see picture to the left). Yummy
Meditated tonight with all the kids, my mom and the dog. My youngest was full of talking and finally said she was going away and left the room. That lasted all of 30 seconds and she was back again, much quieter, and sat on my lap for the remainder of the meditation. The girls love the sound of the gong, there is just something so soothing about the sound it makes. Maybe tomorrow we will be able to get my husband to join :)
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Day 3 of meditation : We all gathered for our meditation, including the dog. For about the first minute of meditation, my youngest was humming the baby your a firework song. She moved around for a little while, then again decided to be on my lap. My middle one was close to the dog and the dog kept throwing her ball at her for some play time. Eventually the dog gave up and my daughter was able to focus a little better. My oldest sat very still during the entire session. My husband was conveniently absent (apparently the yard took longer than anticipated, we let him slide this time).
Today in the kitchen we will be baking vegan sweet potato muffins, vegan baked donuts and dehydrating apples for some dried fruit snacks, yum. One of the recipes you will find to the left of the post, give it a try!
Today in the kitchen we will be baking vegan sweet potato muffins, vegan baked donuts and dehydrating apples for some dried fruit snacks, yum. One of the recipes you will find to the left of the post, give it a try!
Monday, June 27, 2011
Family Meditation
Family meditation is a great way to bond with the entire family. When a family meditates together, it creates a peaceful and quiet place for all to clear their minds and enjoy the calming energy being created. There is no one yelling, running, playing or fighting. There is just appreciation of being in the present moment with our loved ones. There are numerous forms of meditation, for children, journey meditation is a good place to start. This is where the child sits quietly while visualizing accomplishing something (whether it be scoring that winning goal or getting an A on a final).
We have started our family meditation and I will post the outcome and results that I notice. My children range from preschool to high school so it will be interesting to watch the progression.
We have created a peaceful family setting with a candle and some statues that symbolize peace for our family. Anyone can create their own special place with anything that helps to center and calm everyone.
We have done a few meditation sessions already and I have limited them to 10 minutes. Everyone gets to sit comfortably on a cushion in a cross legged position. I allow each child to sound a gong to signify the start of the session, at the end of the session I sound the gong.
I must say, the first few sessions have been rather interesting, with my preschooler just starring at us, not quite sure what to make of us all sitting so quietly. In the first session she went around to each one of us and hugged and kissed us. She finally settled on my lap. For younger children I feel this is acceptable as long as they are quiet for the others. My oldest sat quietly (at times quietly giggling at my preschooler). My elementary aged child took a little longer calming her body to a still position, but she finally got there. My husband sat, but at first was a little bit itchy (it's like he gets these imaginary hives when he is in a different situation)
Day 2 of meditation, my preschooler sat in front of me, starring into my eyes with a smiling expression on her face, again, she ended up sitting in my lap.
It will take some getting used to, but I know this is a benefit for everyone, myself included. After the first day I noticed my middle child was much calmer than normal. She is usually the one with lots of energy 24/7, but that day she seemed to be more in control of her energy and was very helpful around the house (without even being asked!).
All of them seem to be a little more tolerable of each other, not to say we don't have some bickering still. All we can do is take one day at a time :)
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