You never really know how far your positive actions actually go. For example, something as simple as smiling at someone could have a lasting affect and change their day if, prior to your smile, they were in a bad mood. They, in turn, may be more pleasant to those around them rather than scowling. Even if you smile at someone and they don't smile back there's no need to take it personally and, again, you never know what impact your smile may have had. They may think about how they responded and be kinder to the next person they encounter.
All too often we get caught up in just doing things because of routine or because we want recognition or something in return. Making a difference in life doesn't always have to have a "reward" per say. Doing something nice for others is a reward in itself for how it makes you feel. Making sure everyone knows about your good deeds just minimizes the good in them. Taking positive actions doesn't even have to involve much. You can always donate money, which is generous, but doesn't truly connect you to others. There are so many other ways to serve others, the planet and animals that are of great benefit. Donating your time by getting involved in cleaning up our planet, volunteering at animal sanctuaries or food kitchens are enormous steps in creating positive energy. There are countless ways to give of yourself, just think of all that you have to offer, you may be surprised. Even just one day a month of donating your time to something or someone will have enormous lasting affects.
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