Welcome! This is a way for me to share about my experiences as they relate to myself, family, health, compassionate cooking, baking and yoga. Enjoy!

Friday, October 7, 2011


I know most people take pride in the home that puts a roof over their heads, but how many of us appreciate our much larger home?  Can you imagine the wonderful results if we all took a little more responsibility and pride in our planet?  So many people think, "why should I care, there's plenty of resources" or that they will be long gone before anything runs out.  Pretending there is no issue or just not caring because it won't affect you is a cop-out and taking the easy road.  Although I may not be here to see the damaging affects of overusing our planets resources and pouring thousands of chemicals into the oceans, ground and air, my children, grandchildren, etc. will feel the affects.  Why shouldn't future generations be able to enjoy this amazing planet we live on.  Putting a little more effort into small changes add up in big ways.  Imagine if every person became more conscious of how much they let the water run, how often the lights or tv are left on while in another area of the house, how many pieces of paper towels are gone through unnecessarily, how many baggies are thrown out every week.  Making small changes such as turning the water off while brushing your teeth, turning lights and the tv off when leaving the room (even if it's only for a short time), using hand towels or reusable clothes to wipe off counters (they are washable if worried about bacteria), or using reusable sandwich and snack bags or containers.  All of these things add up especially the more people who begin to do it.  To become more aware of the very real damage happening to our planet and what you can do to help, check out www.timeforchange.org.  

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