Welcome! This is a way for me to share about my experiences as they relate to myself, family, health, compassionate cooking, baking and yoga. Enjoy!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Getting Real

Everyone has their pet peeves, mine are the words hate and need.  I admit I fall into the trap sometimes and utter those words that elicit the shudder that runs down my spine as if nails were scraping across a chalkboard.  On those few occasions that I slip back into the narcissism that so many are afflicted with, I quickly remind myself that it's not necessary to use the words hate and need as the verbs in my sentences.  Instilling a better choice of words in my children is extremely important to me.  The girls have gotten good at correcting themselves when they say things like "I hate that color" or "I need that toy."  Doesn't anyone else find it extreme to use the word hate in regards to things you may not like or approve of?  Am I the only one that thinks we shouldn't attach the word need to every little thing we wish to possess?  

Society has gotten so self entitled that people use the words hate and need as easily as hello and goodbye.  Without being a creeper, listen as those around you have their conversations.  It's hard not to hear the words hate and need thrown out in every other sentence.  Hate and need are substantial words that should be used with more care and only in situations that may truly warrant their use.  For me, that would be using it in a sentence such as "I hate when people take another beings life" or "I need to get groceries."  As a family, we work towards using the words that are a better reflection of the issue.  Let's be honest, do you truly need a new phone or do you want a new phone?  Do you hate the color purple or would it be more accurate to say you dislike the color purple?  

Since I'm on the topic of pet peeve words, I think I should add that the word shut up is also right up there as an unnecessarily overused word.  A much kinder way to get your point across would be to say "please be quite" instead of "shut up!"  For some, using kinder, less self absorbed words may be too much effort and that is their choice.  For us, being mindful regarding our choice of words makes us feel better and puts everything in true perspective.  

As a challenge, try to get through the next 24 hours without using the words hate, need or shut up.  Good luck! 

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