Welcome! This is a way for me to share about my experiences as they relate to myself, family, health, compassionate cooking, baking and yoga. Enjoy!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Yoga, one size fits all?

Yes, yoga is definitely for everyone, but yoga is definitely not a one size fits all practice.  Yoga can be done by children, seniors, in chairs or in bed, for 90 minutes or for ten minutes.  One pose can be done by five different people, in five different ways.  Modifications or variations for poses are always readily available for everyone.  What works for one person, may not work for the person standing next to them and the best part about it is, it's okay to do things in different ways!  Yoga needs to be tailored to your individual body, your individual needs and how you feel that particular day.  There are days when I can stand in tree pose for a minute and then there are days that 20 second is where I am at for that day.  Listening to your body is key to having a lasting, healthy practice.

Whether waiting in the grocery line, surfing the web, or watching TV, you will see headlines regarding yoga.  Most of the time, the articles and stories discuss the wonderful benefits of yoga for everyone.  Yoga can be done by people of all ages, all sizes and helps with more than just the physical aspect.  For those that suffer from challenges such as, diabetes, fibromyalgia, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, ADHD, etc., yoga can have long range and extremely meaningful results that can help to reverse or reduce physical, mental or emotional challenges.  Of course, with any form of physical movements, consulting your physician first is a must.  Also letting your yoga instructor know of any limitations, illness or injuries is vitally important to be able to truly enjoy all that yoga has to offer.

There are a lot of stereotypes regarding yoga.  Often people think that in order to practice yoga you need to be flexible.  This could not be further from the truth.  Yes, yoga can help to enhance flexibility, but again, each person is different and each day is different.  Flexibility, body shape, strength or balance do not have to be regarded as obstacles, rather as a goal to work towards.  Practicing yoga daily, even just 10 minutes a day, will give amazing results.  Of course, when beginning to feel better about your appearance or abilities, it's natural to begin to have a more positive outlook and interact with others in a more positive light.  Can yoga actually cause happiness?  You be the judge.

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