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Thursday, May 2, 2013

Bargain Prices

The other day, while driving through town, I looked at the signs hanging in various food establishments.  One bragged that their "meal", which included chicken or burger, fries and a drink, was only $1.99, another couldn't post enough signs about their $.99 burgers.  Knowing full well that to produce animal products is not a cheap process, it made me feel sorry for all those people who are not aware of how or why this happens.  I won't bore you with the details of how those in power (government and corporate) manipulate issues in order to provide Big Ag with millions of dollars to subsidize specific food sources so that those foods can be offered at cheap rates through grocery stores and food establishments (if you want more info on that check out ewg.org).  Even more disheartening is the fact that people are truly grateful these meals are offered and then feel healthier options are too pricey.

Looking at the entire picture, it becomes easier to see that these bargain prices are not actually what they seem and end up costing people thousands of dollars in medical bills and drugs.  To break it down simply, consuming these bargain foods cause illness and disease in the form of heart disease, stroke, cancers, diabetes, auto-immune disorders, ADHD, Autism, skin disorders, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, mental disorders, intestinal disorders, the list goes on and on.  Eliminating the bargain priced meats, dairy and processed foods and replacing them with whole grains (quinoa, gluten free oats, organic brown rice), mostly organic fruits and vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds and beans is obviously a smarter choice for health and money reasons.  If you eliminate the unhealthy items you would be freeing up money to spend on the healthier options.

If this isn't enough to get people curious, then consider it a quest to see how you feel by eliminating the unhealthy choices and replacing them with the healthier ones for just three weeks.  If you're feeling really adventurous, keep a journal of what you eat and how you feel each day/night.  To make things even more exciting you can make a list of your favorite foods and switch ingredients out to make it healthier.  Little changes make big impacts.  Use non-dairy milk where it calls for cow's milk, add a handful of organic spinach to your smoothie and blend away, more likely than not, you won't even notice a change in taste.  There are many websites that offer tons of amazing recipes that will have your taste buds dancing for joy.  Some of my favorites are kriscarr.comhealthyblenderrecipes.comvegweb.compeasandthankyou.com.

So instead of taking the "easy" route of drive through disease in a bag, drive your wonderful self to the grocery store or farmers market and stock up on foods that will make your life truly easier in the long run.

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