I'm sure most of you are aware of how swimming pool and hot tub owners need to test the water often to ensure the proper pH level. Otherwise, nasty things can throw off the waters pH and create that not too pleasing color in the water. Well it only makes sense that the same thing happens in our bodies, we just don't "see" the unpleasing color as easily. Our bodies are incredible machines that try so hard to compensate for the damage we bombard it with. By damage I do mean the foods, beverages, stress, lack of sleep and environmental chemicals we insist on maintaining. This is where all those wonderful symptoms, diseases and illnesses come into play. The symptoms are the warning signs that we, all too often, ignore and pass off as getting older or claiming it's hereditary. If you're truly happy with those answers, and don't want to get to the root of the problem that is actually creating the issues, then by all means, continue on your merry way. However, if you decide to take control of the issues by acknowledging that what happens inside your body is a direct result of the choices you are making, then the first step is to go to your local health or natural food store and purchase pH strips, also known as litmus paper (you can order them through Amazon too).
Breaking it down simply, all foods fall within a pH range of 0 - 14. The lower end is acidic, the higher end is alkaline. The ideal range you want your body to be in is around 6.5 - 7.5. When you fall below 6.5 this means your body is becoming too acidic and this is a big problem. Even those that seem fit should still test their urine with a pH strip. Looking in shape on the outside does not mean you are on the inside. Taking a few seconds to test your pee every week is well worth it instead of becoming the next story that we often hear about, "so and so was such an athlete, I can't imagine why they died suddenly from a heart attack".
Some of you may be thinking that it's weird or gross to hold a strip of paper under you to allow a few drops of urine to fall on it. It's no different then when you have to pee in a cup at the doctors and I honestly think it's weird that people think it's normal to get sick and suffer from diseases. To me, spending thousands of dollars on doctors visits, medications and surgery is weird because all that is, is a band-aid on the issue unless you get to the underlying cause of what created all the chaos to begin with.
So how, pray tell, do we get our bodies less acidic and more alkaline? Many factors come into play, but keeping things simple, the biggest area you can change immediately would be by what you are putting into your body. Plant based foods are alkaline and healing, whereas animal based foods and processed foods are highly acidic and damaging. You don't have to take my word for it, just do the pH test and you can see for yourself if your choices are causing damage or health. Then you can decide if you want to change your potential outcome or not.
I plan on remaining "weird" by continuing to have my family test their pH levels consistently. Not only is this a great science lesson for them, but it also allows me to gauge their health. I was happy to find that all of my kiddos and my pH levels were well within the ideal range. Knowing I am giving my children the best possible health is the most satisfying feeling ever. As they get older, they will have the tools necessary to make informed choices regarding their health and that is basically what health comes down to... choices.