Welcome! This is a way for me to share about my experiences as they relate to myself, family, health, compassionate cooking, baking and yoga. Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Tiny Living Experiment Update

Just how tiny can a family go?  I guess that's an individual question, with lots of factors that could determine numerous answers.  For our family + several animals (and I mean MANY), after 44 days of our tiny living experiment, we now have a better understanding of how much downsizing works for us at this time.

Where we stood at the 30 day mark...

  • Ken - never actually moved into the studio space with all of us, he would come visit us daily though - I guess we knew where he stood with it from the beginning.   
  • Our middle child - lasted about 21 days, then she decided 500 sq. ft. is just too small for this many bodies, and moved back into the main house with her dad.  
  • Our eldest - has her own place (and thanking her lucky starts for that!), visited seldom, and would pretty much start to have an anxiety attack when in the small studio space.
  • Our youngest - content with the whole process, and mad at big sis for moving back into the main house.  
  • Me - fine with continuing the experiment with our youngest.  
  • Kitties - still loving it!
  • Pups - still wanted more space.
My younger two and I were leaving soon to visit family, so I made the executive decision to move all three pups back over to the main house. The cats were even more thrilled with the pups gone, and loved having my little one and I all to themselves to cuddle with.   I may have shell shocked my husband though, because I'm pretty sure he was getting quite comfortable with his quiet house and ample leg room in the bed.  With wide eyes he asked what was going on, I assured him it was best and would make it easier for him to care for the pups while we were out of town ;).  After 21 years of marriage, I don't think he was buying it.  

This left just my youngest, three cats, and myself at the studio.  During the day we were all at the main house (minus the cats), and in the evening our youngest and I slept at the studio.  The time came for our trip, while we were gone Ken and our oldest cared for all the fur babies.  Our middle decided to stay with family for a month (homeschooling perks), and it was back home for Gigi and I.  Once we returned home, I felt we needed to be back in the main house with the pups, who are generally glued to me 24/7.  

Where we stand today...

  • The pups - absolutely happier in more space.
  • Kitties  - love tiny living, but want to be where we are.  
  • Ken - wishing we would all move back over to the studio, particularly when Ohio State is on TV :).  
  • Me - realize tiny living has its positives and negatives, and that 500 sq. ft. is challenging when there is more than 2 beings involved.  
  • The girls - in general I think they're happy we tried it, and now understand there's more to tiny living to consider if you want to remain sane.  
  • Our oldest - since being back from our trip, has already been over more than she was during the entire experiment.  
In conclusion...
  • Our house is still for sale (hint, hint).  
  • We are willing to downsize to about 1600 sq. ft.
  • We MUST have outdoor living space.  
  • The kitties will be moved back to the main house after Thanksgiving.