The fun thing we are finding is the more we have been actively participating in the goals, the more they are becoming second nature. This translates to less reminding for each other, or ourselves, to do them (okay, it really means less nagging by mom).
Through this journey, and mini updates regarding the meals we have been preparing, several people have been asking for recipes, so I thought today I would post a few. The recipes can be found at the end.
What are the results after 20 days of being more aware and mindful in our choices? Let's see…
1. Electronic use is way down.
2. Lights and TV are getting turned off immediately upon leaving the room, the real test will be once the utility bill arrives :).
3. As you remember, I filled the van 2 weeks ago and there is still just under half a tank left. This one is just unbelievable to me, and I am so excited about it!
4. Penalty jar is at $2.90, a huge improvement from the first 10 day check in of $2.05, which means we have cut our penalties by roughly 60%.
5. The smaller kitchen compost bin has been emptied 4 times into the larger outdoor compost barrel.
6. The $350 two week budget was on target, we only spent $20 extra to get dish washing tabs, a bag of rice for the dogs, a jar of sun butter for our oldest, 2 bunches of bananas and 2 avocados.
What other measurements can we share?
1. Watched a beautiful documentary about how our choices not only impact us, but just how far reaching they truly are. We highly recommend the documentary Dukale's Dream, it's a great story about hope, and actively making a positive difference in the world through our simple day-to-day choices.
2. Did not eat out at all until Halloween Eve, when we went to an allergy friendly Halloween party at a local restaurant.
3. Met our two week goal of grocery shopping, just went again over the weekend for another two weeks. We are sticking with the $350 budget, we were actually under at $285!
In the gallery below you'll find an assortment of the creations, and experimentations from other cookbooks, beginning with homemade crackers, the rest… Gardein chick'n scallopini (which is not only vegan, but also GF) w/ steamed basmati wild rice and steamed broccoli; more basmati (this time boiled) and steamed broccoli w/ homemade GF flat bread; rainbow roasted veggies over wild rice, topped with avocado and green onion; garlicky rice noodles w/ chopped green onion; herbed biscuits w/ gravy; sliced apples w/ cardamom, nut butter and cacao nibs; pumpkin pie smoothie; sweet biscuits w/ maple drizzle; grown up grilled cheese w/ mustard, avocado slices, tomatoes, and thyme on sprouted bread; open face tofu scramble on a tomato slice and spouted english muffin, topped with gravy and green onion; 5 minute PB fudge.
On to some recipes…
Slow Cooker Tempeh Stew
(two options, one to prepare the night before)

5-6 c. russett potatoes, cubed
1-2 Tbsp. avocado oil
2 pkgs. tempeh, cubed
1 onion, chopped
4-5 tomatoes, chopped (use seeds and juice)
1 large organic bell pepper, chopped
1 tsp. cumin
1 tsp. oregano
1 Tbsp. minced garlic
1/2 - 1 Tbsp. chili powder
1 tsp. sea salt
1 c. cooked wild rice
1 c. cooked pinto beans
1 c. water
1. Place potatoes in a large pot, cover with 1-2 inches of water. Bring to a boil, reduce to simmer, cover and simmer for 15-20 minutes until tender, but still firm. Drain and set aside.
2. While potatoes boil, place a large skillet over medium high heat, allow to heat 1 minute, add 1/2 or 1 Tbsp. oil, add onion, sauté for 3-5 minutes. Add tempeh, bell pepper, half of the tomatoes and juice, cook another 5 minutes. Add spices and garlic, cook 3-5 minutes. Stir and, either place into the crock pot or, if preparing the night before, in a large container, set aside for remaining ingredients.
3. Using the same skillet, DO NOT rinse it out, add remaining oil, wait a few seconds, then add remaining tomatoes and juice, cook 10 minutes. Add all others ingredients except the water. Cook 5 minutes more.
4. If preparing the night before, place into the large container with other mixture, add potatoes, stir and cover with tight fitting lid and place in the fridge until morning then follow remaining instructions. If using right away, place all remaining ingredients (prepared mixtures, boiled potatoes and water) into crockpot, stir and set on low for 4-6 hours.
5. Serve with rolls and/or toppings (chopped green onion, verde salsa, "sour cream", chopped avocado).
Spicy Thyme Lentils and Tomatoes

avocado oil
1 small onion
1 Tbsp. minced garlic
1 tsp. cumin
1/2 Tbsp. dried Thyme
1/2 - 1 tsp. sea salt
1 tsp. chili powder
1 c. dried green lentils
2 tomatoes, chopped (use juice and seeds)
2 c. vegetable broth
1. Place medium pot over medium high heat, add oil, wait 30 seconds. Add onions, cook 3-5 minutes. Add garlic, cook another 3 minutes.
2. Add remaining ingredients, stir, burn stove up to high.
3. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to simmer, cover and cook until most liquid is absorbed and the lentils are tender. (Depending on the lentil brand, 20-40 minutes).
4. Eat as is over serve over rice, noodles, buckwheat crisps or crackers.
I hope you enjoy, and be sure to change up spices to your preference! Coming up next will be a field trip to Just Creations, a Fair Trade store near us where our little one will be picking out a birthday present.