The Universe is utterly amazing. The fact that it has so much to offer us is sometimes beyond comprehension. I find myself intrigued by the places and people that I cross paths with. Ten years ago I would not have thought twice about it, just going on with my life, taking all my interactions for granted. Through my own personal journey, I have come to realize that every event, every place, every situation and every person that enters my life has an impact. These impacts may last minutes or a lifetime, it all really just depends on my perception, and what I choose to take from the interaction.
Waking up, breathing, having use of our senses, are all things that most of us do not recognize as gifts. Beyond these lie an infinity of other gifts we possess. We each hold a plethora of gifts that we can offer to ourselves, others and the world. Instead, most of us choose to march through our days in a blind, habit ridden, coma. I too was a zombie of modern society until I began to open my eyes, and I mean truly open my eyes, to everything else there is. Take something as basic as walking. How often do you study the trees, the wildlife, the sounds of nature, your own breath? Years ago, I would have put on the earphones, blocking out the world, eyes focused forward and took my walk, checking off the box of things to do. Now, I take in the trees, the sounds of wind blowing the leaves, the click of the dogs nails on the pavement, my breath as it quickens with each passing minute of the walk. Something else I have become aware of is that I notice even greater details each time. First I noticed the tree itself, the next time I noticed how beautifully tall it was, the next time I noticed the pattern of its bark, and each time more and more detail. I do this same practice with other things as well. It is no secret that I LOVE food. In the past, I would shuffle the food in and not even really taste, much less appreciate, any of it. Now, I make sure to eat at least one meal mindfully every day. This means, no talking, no electronics, no distractions. Just pure intent, gratitude, and the use of all of my senses. You would not believe how much better the food tastes when you do this, and the little bonus of feeling fuller longer. Night-time is another area in which I practice gratitude. I used to view the darkness as scary and unpredictable, now I make sure to smell the air, listen to the sounds, look up at the stars and moon. It is incredibly breathtaking.
We are but small, minute, parts of a whole. In practicing to SEE more of the world, I also practice to SEE more of each person. We may not have the same ideals, look alike or dress alike, but why does that matter? Instead of comparing or judging, I try instead to see how I can learn from them. When my path crosses the path of a seemingly miserable person, instead of getting irritated or becoming attitudinal, I try instead to hold compassion in my heart. Maybe our paths crossed because this person is so sad inside and needs to have me smile at them with a warm, genuine, smile. Sometimes that is all it takes to soften their outlook. If not, and they continue to be prickly, I can choose to remove myself from their path. If it's a stranger, I can go about my errands and send them healing energy from my heart, in hopes that whatever is causing their suffering ceases. If it's family or close friends, I can ask if they want to talk about what it causing their pain. If not, again, I can send them healing heart energy and continue to work on my own healing. No one really knows what someone else is going through. So, not taking things personally is a good place to start in showing gratitude toward yourself and others.
It is up to each of us to find the lessons and gratitude in others and in the world. The Universe has already given us so much, and continues to do so. My journey will continue as I make it a priority to find something each day to be grateful for. The list is so long for all that I am grateful for, so please take this post as my way of saying thank you. Thank you to each person whose paths have crossed with mine at some point, I value your worth; thank you to each being whose paths have crossed with mine, I value your worth and will continue to be your voice; thank you to every place that I have ventured upon, I will do my best to leave it better than I find it; and finally, Je Vous Remercie Beaucoup Monde - thank you very much world-, for allowing me to experience this life and all you have to offer, I will continue to practice gratitude, love and kindness toward myself, others and the Universe!
Tiffany Bright, one small part of the whole