We all have our own wars we deal with, whether they are internal, external, private or social. I have touched on this issue before, but wanted to go more in-depth today. I want others to know that they are not alone and that there is a choice, and opportunity, to change their current situation.
First, you beautiful readers, know that my goal is not to judge or criticize. My goal is to offer tools for feeling well and living a life that makes you happy. What I offer is based on personal experience and education. Not having to suffer with pain or not having to change plans because the body and mind aren't cooperating that particular day is what I am suggesting. Of course, you do not have to do every single thing I suggest, you can even ignore everything mentioned. We all have choices, everything we do and say is a choice. However, keep in mind that with that, you are also choosing to continue in your current situation. In the words of Donald Altman, "If you truly want to change your life, you must first be willing to change your mind". So, you can decide to set aside your ego for the next few minutes, allowing yourself, truly allowing yourself, this time to be open to the possibility that you do not have to be defined by your pain any longer. YOU can decide that YOU are in charge of your body and mind and, through some adjustments, you will begin living a life that gives you freedom and joy.
My battle happens to be an internal one, as each day I fight the demons of auto-immune disorders. So what is an auto-immune disorder? The list is lengthy, but in a nutshell, they are diseases that cause the body to attack its own tissues (joints, joint lining, blood vessels, lungs, eyes, skin, kidneys, brain, heart, liver, thyroid, blood cells, nerves, lymph nodes and small intestine). Sounds like fun, right? At this moment I know I have four auto-immune disorders (RA, Lupus, Sjogrens and Celiac), all of which I found out I have due to several miscarriages, which is what prompted me to start getting tested for what may be causing the miscarriages. Low and behold, each of these definitely played a part in the miscarriages. In hindsight, the miscarriage were a blessing in disguise because they pushed me to take action in finding out why, and in the end this gave me Gracie, one of the greatest loves of my life. At this time I still was not aware, other than conventional medicine, as to the ways to strengthen my internal army against this lifelong fight I had ahead of me. Did I really want to be on medications for the rest of my life? Was I really okay with spending days in bed when the inflammation was so bad that I couldn't walk? Hell no! I was determined to enjoy my life, teaching my children that pain does not need to define who we are. Does this mean you ignore it and pretend like all is well? Of course not, that would only lead to more tissue damage and deteriorating at a faster rate.
Well now what? I enrolled my ass in training programs that gave me hope of finding peace. Did I think they would all work? That is not the point. What I did know was that I was not taking pills forever and that I was determined to try everything possible. If I didn't try, then how would I ever know what might help? This is not to say that all conventional medicine is bad. On the contrary, conventional medicine can help in immediate and emergency situations. My concern was that chronic issues and longterm medications would only be fixing symptoms, causing a slew of other problems. Symptoms should never be masked with medication. Just because you no longer feel the pain does not mean you are magically better. In reality you are putting a band aid on the issue, all the while damage is still occurring, you just won't know it until, often, it's too late.
For me, transformation and wellness began through a Yoga Teacher Training Program, the moment I ditched dairy and became more aware of my food choices. Don't worry, I am not trying to get you all to hop on the vegan wagon. That is also a choice that needs to be one you want to make, rather than feeling forced. Personally, my children and I are vegan (my husband is vegetarian) because it aligns with our beliefs and because it provides us with the health we need at this time. Believe me, I have several clients that are not vegan. Even with not being vegan, has their health improved since being in my program? Yes, because they made smart adjustments that eliminated triggers causing inflammation and pain.
Depending on how toxic your body is, you may experience some withdrawals when you initially make the adjustments I will suggest. The same thing happened to me. The first month was awful and I was sick, but I had been told by a dear friend and mentor, Shelli Carpenter, to allow the body to flush it out. I listened because I knew that getting rid of pain had to be better in the long run. This was 5 years ago, I now go once per year to get blood work checked and, barring any disasters such as one of my lovelies who broke her wrist, we do not need to go to the doctor. Aside from the elimination of pain, do you even know how much money that saves?
*By all means, please discuss any adjustments with your doctor before implementing changes listed here. Most doctors now are also checking their ego's at the door, putting the health and wellness of their patience first by being open to other possibilities of curing, reversing or eliminating symptoms and disease.
Take your time in adding or adjusting items in your life. This does not have to be all or nothing. Start with a few things, giving each at least 3 weeks before saying it doesn't work. Often, our bodies and minds need several weeks to eliminate toxins and to re-train itself for any improvements to be seen (this is especially true when it comes to the tastebuds, particularly for those consuming lots of processed foods or artificial flavors and dyes).
Ways to Reduce or Eradicate Pain:
Homemade Almond Milk |
1. Eliminate dairy, even if you buy organic, ditch it. Dairy is one of the highest inflammation causing foods known. Believe me, you can get the calcium needed from other sources. Most of the calcium in dairy cannot be processed or assimilated by our bodies anyway. There are lots of non-dairy options that taste amazing. For cheaper options, check Trader Joe's, Costco or Sam's and, if you love to cook, you can go to the search box at the top left, put in a key word (milk, pudding, etc.) and view past posts for recipes to make your own milks, cheeses, puddings and I'll post a yogurt recipe soon.
2. Forgo chemical cleaners. All of those clean smelling sprays, wipes, laundry detergents, shampoos, toothpaste, etc. are tricking you into thinking things are clean. True, they may kill germs, but they are also slowing killing you and your family. Harsh? Do your research to learn how accurate of a statement it is. Check the
Environmental Working Group to learn what to avoid and what many name brand cleaners, cosmetics and sunscreens are doing to your body. This is also a great place to find what produce to buy that is organic and which ones you can choose that are conventional, it's called the
Clean 15 and Dirty Dozen.
3. Add in a daily probiotic. Our bodies need good flora (bacteria) and when the bad bacteria overtakes the good, the delicate internal balance gets out of whack, causing all kinds of chaos. Do you have rashes, headaches, yeast infections, hormone fluctuations, digestive woes, constipation, vitamin or protein deficiencies even though you're taking in enough? Making a probiotic part of your routine can fix many, if not all, of these issues. There are several brands on the market. I prefer the kind that need to be refrigerated and that I only need to take once per day. Prices range from $18.99 for 90 capsules to $45 for 30, so compare shop before buying. Pricier does not necessarily mean better.
Ahhh, Savasana |
4. Experiment with other physical activities that encourage healing of the entire body and mind. You do not need to get as drastic as I did by enrolling in teacher training programs. Simply start exploring things such as yoga, reiki, acupuncture, acupressure, massage, Tai Chi, Quong Chi. All of these help with health and healing through integrated movements, postures, breathing techniques and cognitive intentions. Search your area for certified instructors. For yoga, search
Yoga Alliance to find qualified teachers near you. There are many forms of yoga so don't discount the first one you try if you don't like it. Try other forms or other teachers to find one you click with.
5. Be more aware and mindful of your food choices. Pay attention to what bothers you. You may even want to have a journal, listing quick notes as to what you ate or drank and how you feel immediately after, several hours later and the next day. Getting a headache is not normal, having cramps after eating is not normal, being constipated or having diarrhea is not normal, find out what is triggering your symptoms. Don't fall into the trap of making excuses by saying "I'm going to enjoy my life and eat what I want". The reality is, you are not enjoying your life, you are suffering. Enjoying a taste for 5 minutes on the tongue vs. a lifetime of pain is not worth it in my book. Once you realize triggers (which may be gluten, refined sugar, chemical laden produce, meats, artificial dyes, artificial flavors, preservative, etc.), then start swapping things out. There are so many options out there now and, again, search my posts for recipes. Having a treat without these things is possible and if, once in awhile, you have the trigger foods it's okay, just be aware of how you will feel afterwards and then get back in your routine.
Vegan Chicken Scallopini w/ Salad |
6. If consuming meats and/or fish, know where your food comes from. Trust me, it matters. For me, I still do not like the end result, but for others, eliminating meat is not an option at this time, so do your homework. Find local sources, visit the farms, check out
local farmers markets. Make sure the animals truly roam free and do not get or eat ANY chemicals. What they eat, you eat. Even if you already consume organic, know for sure how they are treated. Just like us, they have hormones, if they are treated cruel, you are ingesting those elevated hormones that send your hormones into a frenzy. If cost is a concern, think about your portion size. Our view of a normal portion size is completely wrong. By reducing portion size to normal, you can afford the healthier options. A normal portion is about 3 oz., the size of a bar of soap. You can also aim to have meat free meals at least 3 times per week to cut cost even further.
7. Find support. With social media, it is now easier than ever to find groups, meeting others who share your experiences. If joining a group or connecting with others is not your thing, seek out family or friends who can help by listening or, if you choose, holding you accountable to continue your adjustments. You may also want to hire a Health Coach (in or around Louisville, or if Skype/Face Time works for you, contact
Tiffany Bright) or Life Coach (in or around Louisville, of if Skype/Face Time works for you, contact
Shelli Carpenter) to assist you on your journey.
You can feel better. It's about taking the first step on your road to recovery. You can be the boss of how you live your life, do it in a way that grants your body and mind freedom.