Welcome! This is a way for me to share about my experiences as they relate to myself, family, health, compassionate cooking, baking and yoga. Enjoy!
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Family Time
Family time is always an important aspect of our lives, but often I find myself busy with so many other things that, before I know it, I'm climbing into bed, the day is over and I feel like I didn't "see" anyone.
With the holidays bringing even more hustle and bustle into our already overflowing schedules, it ends up feeling like there is even less time for those who matter most.
To avoid falling into the holiday trap, I have devised a way to incorporate family time while also keeping each of ourselves sane through this holiday season.
While each of us already practices yoga, we don't do it together. So on our black board schedule, that is posted where everyone can see it, I post the time each day that we will be practicing together as a family. Since we have varying ages, I keep it simple and 45 minutes or less. This is a really nice way to get everyone together in a peaceful, calming environment.
Understandably, the time will not be the same everyday due to schedules, work or school, but that doesn't matter, the most important thing is that you make the time, even if it's the last ten minutes of the day. I guarantee this will make your body and mind feel so good and, the fact that you're doing it together, makes it even better.
If you have any leery family members, ask them to be open to just a few minutes a day. Chances are, by the end of the week, they will be enjoying the way they feel and you can start to increase it slowly. Be sure to always start with some gentle stretching and end with a few moments of relaxation, it's up to you as to how many poses you want to put in-between.
If you're not sure about what poses or sequences to do, check out Amazon.com for some yoga tools that you may find helpful. Bookstores are another excellent resource for yoga DVDs or books.
Creating family yoga time will be the best gift you can give to yourself and your loved ones this season!
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Creating Heat
Although the cool fresh air does feel cleansing, first thing in the morning, as I take my faithful companion Mya out, is not how I enjoy getting the blood flowing. So I decided to create a little morning ritual to assist in the pre-heating process of my body.
First thing in the morning, after the initial stretch to clear the fog, I sit up in bed and do some breathing techniques. This is an extremely easy way to heat up the body from the inside out. First take a few breathes in through the nose, out through the mouth (make sure no one's nearby to enjoy that amazing morning breathe you'll be sporting :) Do this about 3-5 times. Then begin doing some quick breathes in and out through the nose. As you breath in and out the belly should be quickly moving in and out simultaneously. Do 25-50 of these, if you feel dizzy go a little slower and do less. You will be surprised by how quickly this warms you. Now you can swing those legs out of bed and make your way to the kitchen.
Herbal teas are a wonderful way to start the day. I have created a basket of herbal teas that I keep handy and, the night prior, I choose the tea I want, fill up the teapot and have a cup by the stove. This way, as I pass the kitchen on my way out the door with Mya, I turn on the stove to heat the water. Once Mya is ready to come in, the teapot is whistling and I can pour a hot cup of tea.
Having a warm breakfast to go along with the tea is always a plus. Breakfast can be anything such as, sprouted toast with coconut butter, oatmeal, warm quinoa, tofu scramble, I could go on and on. The best meals are the ones that are ready and waiting for you when you wake up. Previous posts have included crockpot breakfasts such as pumpkin pie oatmeal and tofu scramble. Today's will be a warm quinoa.

Warm Breakfast Quinoa
Serves 4-6
1 c quinoa (pre-washed or rinsed in a mesh strainer)
5 c vanilla-flavored non-dairy milk (I prefer almond or flax with this)
1/2 c dried fruit of choice (be sure it does not contain ascorbic acid or it may curdle the milk even though it's nondairy)
1 c unsweetened applesauce or fruit butter (again, be sure there's no ascorbic acid in it)
1 tsp. pure vanilla extract
1. The night before, lightly spray the crockpot and then add all ingredients.
2. Stir to combine and set the pot on low for 6-8 hours.
3. In the morning, stir to combine and serve in bowls. Leftovers can be stored in an airtight container in the fridge.
Tip = if you like it sweeter, add a tablespoon of coconut sugar or raw sugar to your bowl. You can also add some additional milk, flaxmeal, chopped nuts, etc. in the morning to each serving bowl.
If this doesn't warm you up then I suggest looking into some warmer real estate :)
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